Sunday 28 April 2013

Week 12 - Mock Revision

Some revision for the mock exam on Tuesday...
Use the questions in your GCSE book and you can download the paper and mark scheme from 2008 here; exam paper and mark scheme.
No pictures, no jokes, no humorous captions... just revise!!!

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Week 8 - Summary Statistics, Time Series and bits and pieces

Its been a long time since the last class, with Christmas, New Year and GCSE Science assessments...
This week we're basically looking to finish off all the bits and pieces that haven't fit in anywhere else.We'll consider the use of time series to establish trends and variations in longitudinal data, we'll look at population statistics, indexed numbers and weighted averages. There are also one or two odd charts and graphs that don't often come up in day to day use (like control charts).
The material mainly covers sections G and H of the scheme of work and completes sections 3.1.3 and 3.1.4 of the specification.
To download the presentation click here and this week's exercises are from the AQA Higher Tier examination from 2007 (the rest of which will form homework...).

There was going to be really cool picture and joke here but Blogger wouldn't let me upload it :-(